Rust slice

data types

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In Rust, the slice is a primitive type as well as a sequence type. I found slices very confusing at first. In the Rust book, slices are defined as ‘a dynamically-sized view into a contiguous sequence’. [Read More]

Rust tuple

data types

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The Rust tuple is placed in several categories of types. For starters, the tuple is a primitive type. Among others, this means tuples have the Copy trait implemented, making them pass by value. [Read More]

Rust SSH

Learning Rust by building a CLI tool

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Creating small CLI tools is a fun way to get more familiar with a programming language. If you are coming from an infrastructure background, a CLI tool that you can use to send commands to devices/servers might be considered a neat starting point getting into Rust. This is how I... [Read More]

Rust arrays

data types

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In Rust, the array is the simplest of the sequence types (the others being slices and tuples). The array lives on the stack and has a fixed length. The length you declare an array with is part of it’s type and it is going to remain the same throughout the... [Read More]